1. Paper format: Word file format A4 (paper size 21 cm x 29,7 cm).doc or .docx, paper margins:top – 2,5 cm; bottom – 2,5 cm; left – 2,1 cm; right – 2,1 cm.
  2. Text: must be typed in one column format, using Microsoft Word, size 12 pt, normal, justified alignment, 1,15 line-spacing, Tab 1.25.
  3. Paper structure: title, name(s) of author(s), abstract, keywords (4-6), expanded content of the paper, references.
  4. Paper title [Times New Roman, 14 pt, bold, centred, CAPS] will show a direct correlation with the content of the article.
  5. Information about author/authors: first name. last name, degree, scientific title of author / authors beneath the title single spacing [Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold, right centred], affiliation to educational institution, organization or other entity beneath the name single spacing [Times New Roman, 12 pt, normal, right alignment, 1,0 spacing between lines] , author/authors e-mail address beneath the name of institution, single spacing [Times New Roman, 12 pt, italic, right alignment].
  6. The main elements of the scientific paper: Abstract (in English), Keywords (in English), Introduction, Results obtained and discussions, Conclusions, References.
  7. Abstract (in English) [Times New Roman, size 10 pt, italic, justified alignment, 1,0 spacing between lines] will contain approximately 150-200 words . This section will provide the following information: brief introduction on the issue of the research subject, the purpose of the investigation conducted, methods and materials applied, key findings and contribution of author/authors, major conclusions of the author/authors of the research.
  8. Compartment Introduction [Times New Roman, 12 pt, normal, justified alignment] will highlight the essence, motivation and rationale of research, identification of the problem/issues, an overview of the compartments and ideas to be addressed in the content of the paper. The author/authors will clearly identify the purpose of research.
  9. Compartment Results obtained and discussions [Times New Roman, 12 pt, normal, justified alignment] will register the original research of the author / authors with discussions on the topic and the results achieved. The content of the paper will be divided into sections, depending on the authors’ preferences.
  10. Compartment Conclusions [Times New Roman, 12 pt, normal, justified alignment] should reflect, according to the appropriate scope of originally proposed research, the synthesis of the main ideas and results achieved by the author/authors in the investigated area, which were exposed in the article. The compartment may also contain recommendations regarding the analysed problem solving (not mandatory).
  11. References compartment [Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold, CAPS, centred] will comprise the list of the references, in alphabetical order or in the order of citation, using Times New Roman, size 10 pt, normal, justified alignment, 1,0 spacing between lines.
  12. Leave two blank lines before the section title and one line after it.
  13. Citing authors must be done by compulsory reference of the source [1, p. 23].
  14. Paper template (.pdf)
  15. Paper template (.doc)
  16. Редактирование (ру)